Thursday, June 21, 2007

Iran: Unfit To Stand In A Civilised World

I can't honestly say what my motives are for blogging, if you read my dislikes in the sidebar it tells you where I'm coming from but not the why.
Posting the lighter and the off beat stuff is to a degree is pleasant and a bit of fun but it's articles such as below that are far from fun.

I do take the attitude though if you are going to try and produce a blog it should be to some degree as professional as you can make it, after all it's not a Myspace diary.
I'm not asking for sympathy, far from it, but constant exposure to the likes of this report mind numbing barbarity does take it's toll, for it is not just what I publish that gets to me, it's the other dozen or two horror stories that a fellow has to wade through, hence my turning my back on this thing yesterday.

I shall publish a post below this one, obviously out of sequence, I shall expound in the mentioned post**

Here then are two reports of an impending act of barbarity that is to be committed by the Islamic Republic of Iran, which in my opinion, should always always be accompanied by the subtitle "Cruelest Nation on Earth."

The first report from Amnesty, the second from Iran and Kurdish Women's Rights Organisation.
When reading the the second report don't get false hopes that the stay on carrying out this act of barbarity refers to today, it was in fact written a day or two ago.

I have no further news at the time of posting but I shall watch this story closely.

From the Amnesty report, the IKWRO piece has more details.

Mokarrameh Ebrahimi and the unnamed man have spent the past 11 years in Choubin prison. They recently appealed to overturn their stoning sentence but the appeal was rejected, according to activists from Iran's "Stop Stoning Forever" campaign. The stoning is due to take place on 21 June -- in public and in the presence of a judge. It is reported that he will throw the first stone, then those present at the public gathering will continue stoning the two until they are pronounced dead. Pits are reported to have already been dug in preparation for the executions. The convicted pair will be placed in the pits to be stoned.

The stoning of Mokarrameh Ebrahimi and the father of her 11 year old illegitimate child was stayed by the written order of the Head of Judiciary in Tehran addressed to the head of the judiciary branch in Takistan. The stoning had been scheduled for Thursday morning, local time, and the order came less than 24 hours before the scheduled time.


Anonymous said...

Hope you're feeling better. There is a lot of very bad things going on in this small world. However, it is occassionaly good to look at some of the pleasant things. I think a lot of the problem with many Americans is they just do not know what is going on. They feel that things "over there" do not effect them. They willingly turn a blind eye to what is going on because it is so much easier to pretend everything is okay when you can say you have no idea or that it has always been like that so why bother. That is something you will hear a lot in this country "The middle east has been messed up for thousands of years! Things will always be the way they are because they have always been this way. Nothing we do will ever change that, so why bother?" I can not tell you how many times I have heard this exact phrase, or something very similar, in talking to people about the problems "over there". They are apathetic and self absorbed. HH

Himself said...

Thank you for your words H.
As my dentist once proffered, unusually succinctly for an Irishman; Mankind is a bollocks.

I have to say I'm on the mend, starting to get my legs back, so much so I have booked to go to Ireland at the end of July.

I must try to find some other purpose to life though when I return, I am grateful that I have had the blog to keep the grey cells working, diminished intellectual capacity is also associated with thyroxine deficiency but there has to be more to life than sitting here knocking out hundreds of posts a month reflecting the woes of the world,

Perhaps in the immortal words of Mr Micawber, something will turn up.